Tis the Season to be Jolly
Put up the Wreaths and don't forget the Holly
The Tibbies are wondering "What's In It For Me?"
Can we really smell treats up under the Tree?
We wonder what will happen if we take a quick Peak
We'll probably get in trouble for being a Sneak!
Putting Caution aside, we take the Big Leap...
And there they are among that big Heap!
We each grab a bag and start to Run...
Just knowing we'll soon be having great fun...
Oh dear, Oh no, Here comes MOM with that look on her Face!
What is that in her hand, could it be Mace?
So, we sit there sadly with tears in our Eyes
And she just shakes her head and looks to the Skies
Her Smile and Laughter chase away all our Fears
And we know in our Hearts we've brought her good Cheers
So now we know what CHRISTMAS is For...
It's not the treat or even the Toy...
It's really to bring those we Love HAPPINESS & Joy!
Jan Wright and the Gembox Tibbies
Thanks, Jan, for sharing, and we wish you and yours a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Kathryn & The Gin-Tai Tibbies |