History of Gin-Tai Tibetan Spaniels |
CH Bet'R Bobby Sox,ROM 1993-2008 bred by the late Betty Rosen, came to |
Gin-Tai in 1993, as a 12wk.old puppy. She was my first |
Tibetan Spaniel! On November 1, 2001, she qualified for Register of Merit,ROM. SOX is the proud |
dam of two champion sons and a tri-colored champion daughter~ |
Only bred twice; 'SOX' has six |
out of eight pointed, major-pointed, or titled progeny; she has produced Parti-colored, Tri-colored, Blonde, Silver-Sable, |
and Irish Red puppies~ What |
a Wonderful Foundation Bitch! |
AKC Breeder/Champion Medallion-winning son and daughter, "TyGuy" and "Bhu-Ti", and son "PETE" ; who ranked in the "2003-2006 Top Twenty Tibbies"; are sired by "SPOT"! |
Ch Bet'R Spotlight For Gin-Tai, |
bred by Betty's husband, Herb. "SPOT" also |
joined us, here at Gin-Tai, as a puppy. Sox and Spot are my Foundation breeding stock, and I am indebted to the Rosens for allowing me to work with these wonderful English lines. |
The late Betty Rosen & her |
husband, AKC Judge Herbert Rosen, were pioneers in the Tibetan Spaniel breed. Together, they imported many outstanding English lines to the United States. We continue to develop Gin-Tai lines from this valuable foundation stock. We strive to preserve "TYPE" & "ELEGANCE" through carefully planned, blending of only the finest lines in our very limited breeding program!
OUR CURRENT GENERATION:"SOX" & "SPOT's" grandchildren include "EDDIE", Ch Gin-Tai's Zesty Starla, and litter-brother, Ch Gin-Tai's Bud-Z-Boi, proudly representing: "The Gin-Tai Tibetan Spaniels" ! Ch Gin-Tai's |
The First Edition,"EDDIE", was bred entirely |
from Gin-Tai's own lines! |
"The longest journey begins with a single step" |
NOTE:Pictured left:Top-Bottom |
are: "SOX"&"SPOT"; "TyGuy", "PETE, & "Bhu-Ti"; Sox's champion progeny; and her double grandson, "Ch Gin-Tai's The First Edition", "EDDIE"! |